* After a few weeks of warm(ish) weather- think around 38-40 degrees- because it's all relative yo- we are back to cold and snow. Yesterday, it was blizzarding AND thundering AND lightening (lightening-ing?).
* The snow is pretty. I am getting really sick of my fellow statesmen kvetching about "wanting it to be spring". Listen up folks- YOU LIVE IN MINNESOTA. IT IS FEBRUARY. WE DON'T HAVE SPRING IN FEBRUARY IN MINNESOTA. *Ahem* But srsly.... why bitch about it when it's the same every year, and we all know it's going to be the same every year?
* My 2 year old handed me her paci recently and declared "It's bad fow my teef" and that was the end of it. Trueeffingstory.
* She also decided to sleep in her "big bed" the next day. So we took down the crib. And she's sleeping fine- without her paci AND her crib.
* After a semi-rough night wherein I had Kate hogging my pillow from 2-4am and then Marin hollering incoherently at 4:30 am, and wherein I finally climbed into bed with Marin because she could not be quieted (dreaming perhaps? dunno) and besides my pillow was being hogged in my own bed, and wherein I then felt promptly and blissfully asleep, I was suddenly roused by the swish swish swish of someone entering the room wearing snow pants. It was Joan. She said "Mom, Charlie is here. We're leaving. Have a good day."
* This was immediately followed by David staggering in, OBV just waking up himself.
* Yes, that's right. My 2 kindergartners got themselves completely ready for school while David, Marin, and I all slept peacefully. They dressed, ate breakfast, put their gym shoes in their backpacks, and put their coats, hats, mittens, snow pants, and boots on, and they were standing ready when their carpool arrived.
* Besides being hilarious on many levels, I now see NO REASON WHATSOEVER to get up and get them ready.
* I have fallen off the Picture a Day wagon... dead batteries, too many days sitting around in my dreary house, lack of motivation, ETC. However, I'm getting back in the saddle. Because it's almost March. And even though March, for all intents and purposes is still winter in this climate, she does tend to throw us a bone or two, in the form of spring-ish days.
* Also, I happen to love March snowstorms. I mean, FU Mother Nature. SNOW ALL YOU WANT. It won't last long now! BWAH, HHAHAHAHAHAH. Also, March snow is almost always good "snowman snow".
* And YES there is such thing as "snowman snow". Not all snow is suitable for making snowmen. ONLY Snowman Snow is. In order to craft a snow object, the snow needs to be heavy, wet, and melting. Also: Sticky. Snow in Jan/Feb is usually fine, powdery, and not sticky.
* Wordtwist (a Facebook app) is very addicting.
Happy Weekend!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Blog, blog, blog, blog.... long space.... blog, blog.... shorter space... blog, blog... space.... blog, blog, blog, blog.... ETC.

I've discovered I go in spurts with many of things, not just blogging. There are friends that we see 5 times in one month, and then not again for 3 months. There are meals that I fix weekly or more for several months, only to forget about until the following year. I will read, read, read, and then not pick up a book for 2 weeks. I'm not sure if this is a personality quirk, a personality disorder, or WHAT, but there is definitely a trend.
Some milestones, as of late, and in no particular order: Joan lost another little tiny tooth, the girls turned 6 (S. I. X.) years old!, David and I celebrated the 10th anniversary of the day we met (our yearly tradition, instead of celebrating Valentine's Day), and ALL THREE girls stayed overnight at David's parents house.
I am still (trying) to take a photo every day. When I missed two days last week, the perfectionist-all-or-none side of me said Now you've ruined the project and you must quit but the rational, logical side said No way! Just post some older pictures that you've always loved.
So that's what I did, and that's my plan for any future missed days as well.
(Sometimes I really love that logical, rational voice.)
Hey, do you guys want a recipe for a Dee-VINE chocolate lava cake? You do? Ok:
My mom is visiting this weekend, and I'm planning on making it while she is here.
Also, would you like to see a picture of my sticky-faced kid? You do? Wow, you guys are too nice:
Oh! And I read Dave Ramey's Total Money Makeover, and now David is reading it, and then we are going to follow his plan. I loved the book, found it to be an easy read and a solid plan, and I'm excited to get out of debt. I don't usually like to talk about money, but I am really interested in what other people think of Davey. Any input?
So, Marin and I are off to the library, to further annoy the silently-crabby librarian. Good times...
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