Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Curlie Girlies, Christmas Program, Some Thoughts On (Not) Weaning, and CHRISTMAS!!!

Curlers in hair:

Curlers out of hair (the next morning):

All dressed up for their Christmas program:

I wish they were this sweet to each other all the time:

I am in love:

Some thoughts on weaning:

I noticed it this morning, changing her diaper. I pulled a toastie warm foot from her pajamas, and it was so clearly a BABY's foot. And I kissed it, and it tasted good, the way only baby feet can. Then I noticed her hands- chubby and dimpled. Baby hands. And I realized that this is why she is not weaned. She may have lots of words, and baby signs, and stagger around our house like a little drunk, but she is, in spite of herself, a baby.

I have established "milk's all gone" when I don't want to nurse her (usually because she JUST nursed). She accepts, with a heart-breaking defeat, and sticks her pasi back in her mouth. It had to be done though, for my sanity. (And it was a difficult few days, where I would say "milk is all gone" and she would scream in disbelief.) Also, she is sleeping better, most nights. She still gets up between 3 and 4 am, but I can get away with one nursing and she'll sleep again.

Someday, we will be done nursing. Not yet, but someday. Hopefully it's when we are both ready.


Christmas panic:

Starts now! Crap, you guys! I don't want to be stressed and crabby, but there is so much left to do. And my kids- they just won't stop being kids for a few days so I can get stuff done. Jeez. I'm not done shopping, haven't wrapped a thing, need to bake, need to make the food for David's family Christmas (on Saturday), need to think about packing, NEED TO DO THE CHRISTMAS CARDS CRAP CRAP CRAP, etc, etc, etc.

We are going to Rapid City for a week, so there's that planning too.
I really wish we were just staying home. I'll be happy once we get there; we always have fun. But it's SO FAR AWAY. And I want my kids to wake up here on Christmas.

And also:

Yay! It's almost Christmas! I love this time of year. I'm happy and excited and content. I like to look at my tree when it's dark and just the tree is lit. We get to see so many people we love in the next week. And the kids are so much fun. And they are going to DIE when they change this baby's diaper. When we get to my mom's house, we are going to make a gingerbread house and go ice skating. Etc, etc, etc.


artemisia said...

Curlers! Oh, having curlers in your hair always meant something really special was going to happen the next day.

I would imagine weaning would be full of conflicting feelings.

Hang in there! And Merry Christmas!

LoriD said...

My mom would put those sponge curlers in my hair often. I've done it a couple of times with my oldest, but only for really special occasions!

I had the hardest time weaning my son. I felt mean depriving him of something that was such a comfort to him. He eventually decided it was time around 19 months.

Anonymous said...

You know you're absolutely right, still a baby. I'm going back and forth with it, too. We're down to twice a day now and that's do-able.

Your girls took care of my sweet tooth for at least a week, how adorable they are! They look like little angels (ha!). I remember those sponge curlers and I remember hating them, but your results are amazing.

justme said...

such cute photos. weaning...ahhh. sounds like you guys made some progress and yes - one day you will be done with nursing. i kept telling myself = she won't go to college nursing. it will END.

Swistle said...

OMG, you have girl RICHES at your house!

I feel the same way about Christmas. Panicked! and excited!

Black Sheeped said...

Aw, everyone looks beautiful.


Erin said...

Whoa. Red maryjane shoes. My uterus hurts. Must. Have. Twin. Girls.

They are so adorable. No wonder you want their Christmas to be awesome and magical. I am not kidding when I say that your photos make me ache for a little girl.

Giselle said...

Gorgeous girls!!!

And I can so relate to being irritated with my kids for having the nerve to act like kids when I have so much to do to prepare for a magical Christmas.

Glad you are weaning on your terms. I could never just do 2 or 3 feedings a day. I would skip a feeding...and my milk just dried right up. Both my kids went cold turkey...and I never even had 1 day of engorgement, no leaking, no sign whatsoever that the day before I had been nursing 6 times a day. It seems everyone was ready but my brain. -sigh-

d e v a n said...

First of all, your girls are so cute that it literally hurts!
Weaning is so tough no matter when it happens. Boundaries are a good thing and it's nice that she is still able to nurse, but you don't feel abused by the relationship!!

Kids are always most kidlike when we just need them to STOP IT for a moment, aren't they?! Have fun at Christmas and on your trip!

GreenStyleMom said...

oh my goodness your girls are all so cute!

Hope you made it through Christmas!