Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Boys Vs. Girls

Dear readers,

I've left that last post languishing far too long, though it has been fun to hear people's reaction to our "situation". We, ok- mostly me, have been taking an informal survey of friends and family, and it seems we have 2 camps: those who react like I did with complete horror, and those who think what David did was a completely harmless, if not genius, solution. And, sorry to reinforce any stereotypes here, but the two groups are divided neatly by gender: women = horrified; men = in agreement with David.

I did not mean to argue whether or not David's solution was safe (which I still believe it NOT). Instead I wanted to argue whether or not David had enough knowledge to make that decision (which he DOESN'T).

Also, I should have mentioned that he not only crammed a pillow in the vent, but he also then placed a thick board flush with the wall and THEN pushed the tv stand against the board. NO AIR was escaping, no sireebob.

Now you all can go getting sympathetic with David if you wish, but please note that there are probably at least 27 other things that he's tinkered with in this house that could also cause fire/carbon monoxide/ who the fuck knows kinds of problems. THIS IS MY LIFE, is what I'm saying. We have outlets and phone jacks and cables popping up all over the place- breeding like damn rabbits- and who knows (well, DAVID) what else going on.

Living dangerously with Do-it-yourself Davey


Tess said...

Do-It-Yourself-Davey. Heh.

Flibberty said...

Oh dear. Do you have one of those monitor things?

Marie Green said...

yes... but D has tinkered with it, and I don't think it's plugged in. SEE WHAT I MEAN???

Anonymous said...

My father is exactly the same way so you have my sympathies.

Kelsey said...

This makes me glad that Matt is so un-handy that he knows better than to try, most of the time! For your sake I hope winter is over soon; but then he'll probably "tinker" with the air-conditioner too, huh?

Swistle said...

Oh, wait! I have some wisdom to share, from a commenter on my blog! You can't complain that he's potentially poisoning you, because:

a) At least he's not at some other woman's house (poisoning HER, presumably), and

b) At least he's TRYING to do SOMETHING, and

c) He's had a long day and it must be hard for him to then get criticized for doing things wrong on purpose.

So buck up!

Kristin.... said...

Ahh, Swistle is still angry with Anonymous (who, by the way, sounded like a very angry, jilted wife).

I am right there with you Marie. I would be ape!

Erin said...

HAHA! Damn, girl. You are FUNNY.

For some reason, this scenario has been stuck in my head and I am wondering: would it be okay to stick insulation in the vent? Maybe call a heating/cooling company and ask? Sometimes I call local companies that way and just get their opinion. Those local folks are more likely to give you "consultation" without a hard sell on their service.

But back to the topic. These posts are FUNNY.

Astarte said...

Swistle, who the heck said that to you?! What a nut! Or maybe it was Paul on a really grumpy day. :)

Maybe DIY Davy needs a shock collar or something, so you could zap him when you see him trying to tinker. Hell, it works for dogs, apparently. Ha!

Marie Green said...

Well, I'm pretty sure that whatever the heat/air guys say, it won't involve PILLOWS.

Also, I'm thinking David missed the "tongue in cheek"-ness of Swistle's comment...

We'll just keep that our little secret, mkay?

Sarah said...

I'm in the same camp as Tracy- husband thinks he can "probably" fix whatever is going on "when he gets a minute to look at it," so I'm forbidden to call A PROFESSIONAL to examine the situation. Meanwhile, we live with the problem for another month or two until that "minute" to look at the situation finally arrives.

Joshua Johnson said...

hee hee hee...I love you.

Anonymous said...

ha ha..yeah..that was tammy to commented last time. but..i love you to in a agape sort of way. :)