Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Some More

After being sick for the past two days, I can tell you, hoooooo boy, does it feel great to return to the land of the living.

David and I have both been having a great time playing around with the new camera... but I've also had plenty of frustration with myself and my lack of knowledge. Now I have the equipment to take better photos, but no madd skillz. I want to know NOW, dammit! Le sigh...

Anyway, here's a few photos from lately:

The girls and I, watching a little tv before bed. (David's turn to play with the flash).

Marin and her cowboy boots (this is what she wore to church!)

My girls, looking all serious. Man, the hormones (or something!) (can it be hormones already??) in these two lately....


The other day, a friend called me out of the blue and asked it I would take some photos of her pregnant belly. After telling her, in at least 30 different languages, that I was not a photographer by. any. means. ....I finally agreed. The timing of her phone call and our camera purchase was wicked, and I was happy to experiment on her give it a whirl.

I was also quite nervous. What if I hated everything I took? What if SHE did?

But I can be good under pressure. So I told myself it was just for fun; she had no major expectations; we'd keep it casual and see what we got. After all, neither of us had anything to lose.

So this morning, armed with a pocket full of Smarties*, Marin and I headed over to her house for the "photo shoot".

....and WHEW! There are a handful from today that I really like. Not professional quality, certainly, but not so terrible I'm embarrassed to give her a CD of the photos.

And seriously? What a fun hobby! And so refreshing to have something besides my own kids and surroundings to play with.

*Take it from me, Smarties- handed out one by one; not the whole roll at once- are THE best bribe when photographing children. They are eaten quickly, create no spit/drool, are mess free and not sticky, and you can hand one out for each photo if needed since they are so small. As soon as kids start getting squirmy or uncooperative, a small "Who wants a treat?" gets them back on track like magic. We even take Smarties with us to photo studios for our kids.

(You're welcome.)


Kader said...

All of those photos are beautiful, including your debut as professional photographer!
Also, Marin's cowboy boots are simply fantastic. If I were her, I'd wear them EVERYWHERE.
The twins do look like teenagers in that photo. Beautiful. But scary! Yikes--it can't be hormones yet, can it?

d e v a n said...

Hey, those are great pictures! Way to go!

Jess said...

I love these pictures! And I'm sure they'll only improve from here. Yay!

KS said...

Stop being all modest and all. These are great. Fantastic, actually. You have THE EYE. The skills will come. THE EYE is something you can't learn.

shruley said...

I LOVE the picture of the belly! I want to see the rest of them! Are they on Flicker somewhere??? I would love a DSLR but keep telling myself I don't have the time or money to invest in it. But I am a total photography whore, and I mean it when I say...You are good, you have more raw talent than several of my friends who bought DSLRs, took a class, and now own their own "photography business" within a year (eyes rolling). (Who better not read your blog BTW :-)

You know my girls are about the same ages as yours, I swear the hormones are starting already. And it makes my husband shudder in terror! Some days I feel like we are living parrell lives, I read this and go, "Hey, that's MY life!?"

Marie Green said...

shruley: no, I didn't post the rest of them of Flickr or anywhere... She knows I have a blog but doesn't read it, and it seems like I'd have to tell her if I posted them... I mean, I wouldn't post them w/o her permission. In fact, I feel all squiggly about posting that ONE, even though it shows very little identifying details.

Seester said...

Fab photos Seester!